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Balneario Pico de Piedra

Tropical Leaf
Aguada, Puerto Rico

Discover an uncrowded beach 

Balneario Pico de Piedra
average rating is 4 out of 5
beach model

Balneario Pico de Piedra is located in a small town city called Aguada. It is very easy to eyesight and spot the Desecheo island.This is a Balneario and that means that it counts with public facilities. Some facilities that Pico de Piedra have are: free parking lot, bathrooms, showers, gazebos, lifeguards, side walks, public seats and some restaurants near by. It is very convenient for everything, because everything is centered and you just can walk to it.


The Balneario just like the rest of West area of Puerto Rico, it counts with beautiful sunsets. The facilites looks very clean and well maintained. Some recreations area made for beach volleyball. It turns to be less crowded than other beach locations in the west area. Pico de Piedra does not have too many trees or areas to shadow from the sun, bring your beach umbrella. They have some festivals that are celebrated thru the year with live music (merengue and salsa), June 24, San Juan Bautista. Just a side of the Balneario there is a restaurant, steps away and there is no need to move your car out of the parking lot.


The Balneario area and beach is not very extensive and just like any other beach watch for the best weather conditions (under water currents, rain or high waves). The Balneario is also located just side to the mouth of the Guayabo river. Needed to be mentioned when a river mouth is located close like this to the beach, the water turns to be cloudy and foggy when it rains, aside of this the water can turn to be crystal clear. Just take in matter the weather conditions before visiting this area or any other beach.


 This and many other beaches are very close to other surfing spots. It is a very good place that catch the eye for exploration and have a wonderful day with families and friends.

Beach Facilities







Things to do in the Balneario Pico de Piedra 

Have a Party








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Balneario Pico de Piedra

Cam Playa, Aguada, 00602, Puerto Rico

Balneario Pico de Piedra Gordo View


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Balneario Pico de Piedra Information

Find Different Locations and Places to Stay in Aguada

Here you can access to many different places to stay in the city of Aguada or proximity areas. Take advantage of the greatest offers that are available for booking! 


Remember is Public Beach with wide access

It is OPEN 24 Hours
7 Days of the Week




FREE of  Admissions   

FREE Parking


Contact Information

Municipio de Aguada

Balneario Pico de Piedra



average rating is 4 out of 5

Una Playa que no es muy conocida



May 2, 2019

Fecha de publicación:

Viajando por el area oeste encontré este balneario. Tiene muy bonitas facilidades, limpio y un amplio estacionamiento. La playa noe tan amplia, el agua estaba un poco turbia y había un poco de oleaje. Aun así la disfrute y me encantaría volver otro dia.

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Reviews Balneario Pico de Piedra

Best Deals to Stay near of the Balneario of Aguada

This is a list of the very BEST DEALS if you want to stay close to your favorite Beach, City or Attractions 

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